Since March 2015 the monumental sculpture called The Turtle crowns the Citadel, overlooking the city of Namur.
It catches everyone’s eye, invites you for a walk, brings together passers-by and tourists, appears in pictures that are shared on social networks.
Jan Fabre’s work ‘Searching for Utopia’ was presented in Namur from March 14 to August 30, 2015 as part of the flagship exhibition Facing time Rops / Fabre. The idea was to bring together two artists from two periods: one Walloon, Félicien Rops (1833-1898) and one Flemish, Jan Fabre (1958).

Fabre’s monumental sculpture dominates the city from the Citadel of Namur. Its location on the site is forceful yet an integral part of the urban landscape. The Turtle, as everyone calls it now, has become a place to walk and to meet, a very symbol of the city.
Since the exhibition ended in 2005, the Turtle has become a permanent element of the Namur landscape.
Free access all year round; follow the signs 'Searching for Utopia'.